Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Beautiful Medicine: Music

Looking at the title you can think what, music is a beautiful medicine? How? It's so simple. Listening to music (or) singing a song you can relief from the stress and anger. Everyone likes music. In music there are many types: Jazz, Pop, Classical, Western etc.

Jazz, Pop, and Western music beats are composed with big instruments like drums, saxophones... These beats based on high volume, so when you listen these kind of music, automatically your body shakes to do dance. These days the youth is attracting to this fast beat music. Some one feels better in fast beat music while listening and immediately they'll feel relax.
Someone likes classical. When you listen to classical music, you'll forget everything and your mind relax. Many people likes classical and they are trying to learn Tabla, Violin, Veena etc.
In myths also music is called a medicine.

Whenever mind tireds listen some music or sing a song or watch any albums which you like most. You will feel better. There is no requirement for medicines to getaway from stress or anger or any kind of disease.
Now a days all the proffessionals likes to play guitar or violin to getaway from their stress. Throwing anger on someone is gaining a problem. But throwing anger on music is gaining a peace or relax. This is what I feel.....

When you are in anger or stress, observe yourself for a minute, how your body and face turns? All the veins in body behaves like a heavey machine. The pumping of the blood circulation goes high. So that's the way people gets B.P.
Listening to music or singing a song in a high pitch you'll feel relaxation. Sure you'll come out from anger or stress or any other...

That's way music is called a beautiful medicine..........

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